Welcome to Lasting Impressions, the one place for all things Deliverance and Janz team music featuring Danny Paul and Ken Janz. If this is your first time here, please start reading from the first post (at the bottom of the first archived page). It will make more sense that way.

Tuesday, October 12, 2004

More Danny and Paul

On the advice of a friend, I went to a self-help store today and scored big-time. I got two Janz Team Singers albums (with Ken Janz) and the Danny Wayne and Paul Album Salvation Song.

My list looks like this:
Janz Team:
Janz Team Singers
Janz Team Singers / frieden
Danny Paul Wayne / Salvation Song
Jack Stenekes / Children Of Time*
Hildor Janz / Ja, das ist wunderbar*
Hildor Janz Harding Braaten / Two Soloists*

Salvation Song mp3's will not be offered here because that album has been re-released on CD.

*Remember that this is a Deliverance site, so the other Janz Team albums are of secondary interest to me.


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