Welcome to Lasting Impressions, the one place for all things Deliverance and Janz team music featuring Danny Paul and Ken Janz. If this is your first time here, please start reading from the first post (at the bottom of the first archived page). It will make more sense that way.

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Contact me

So often people request stuff from me but don't leave a valid email address. If you have a request, please include a valid return address in your comment. I know it's risky, but I can't reply to all messages as comments to a post. Someone even included an email address that wasn't valid. If that was you, this is why I'm not replying!


Blogger Mac Wigfield said...

Hey, Daryl.

Wondering if you are still getting mail at this address. It’s the only one I seem to be able to locate to try to get to you.

I have been on another webpage of yours trying to get the music there to play and then, when it wouldn’t, trying to download the songs, as you advise. Also not functioning.

Can you give me some help with this? I am looking for music by the Janz team quartet / Janz team Singers, English or German or whatever. I have a Southern Gospel radio program here in Quebec City every Saturday and would like to use some of their music for airplay.

Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Mac Wigfield
Joy for the Journey
CFOI-FM, Québec

1:44 PM  

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